Pro Turf Completes Renovation Of ASU Football Practice Field
An ASU Football Tradition is Restored!
After Pro Turf completed the renovation of an practice field a long-standing football tradition at Arizona State University was given new life this season after a five-year hiatus, and at least a portion of the credit for that goes to Pro Pro Turf, a leading turf management company based in Arizona.

From 1960 until 2007, the ASU team would spend one week of its pre-season training at the rustic Camp Tontozona, building team chemistry while working on conditioning and strategies. It was a regular trek that players and fans alike looked forward to year after year.
When Dennis Erickson came on as head coach, the trip was taken out of the ASU calendar, and the team instead trained throughout August on campus. But when Todd Graham took over the coaching job this year, he brought back the tradition, telling a local newspaper, “I hope it will produce the kind of success it did for previous teams.”
“The location was a challenge,” said Pro Turf’s Kip Wolfe. “The closest town is about 20 miles away, so there isn’t exactly a Home Depot down the street.”
“The second field had basically become a parking lot. So we had to laser-level it, put in an irrigation system and sod it with big roll 419 tifway. Then once we got the sod down, we had to deal with elk and deer trampling through it. But after all was said and done, I think it turned out well.”

ASU Head Superintendent Brian Johnson was more emphatic about Pro Turf’s effort.
“I could not have been happier with the job they did,” said Johnson. “This was not your typical job, and they ran into some unforeseen challenges, like having to bring in special equipment to dig through the rock. But they just battled through everything without complaining. Considering the circumstances, they did a tremendous job.”
Pro Turf has earned a sterling reputation in the golf industry as one of the leading course maintenance and construction companies. Recently however, Pro Turf has expanded its business beyond the golf realm. This summer the company replaced the artificial turf in Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Stadium in Las Vegas with a natural playing surface just in time for a national rugby tournament and an international soccer match featuring Real Madrid.
And through its magical new fertilizer product, Ultimate Turf, Pro Turf is working with professional sports teams across the country upgrading playing surfaces of all types and sizes. Some of those teams include the Los Angeles Angels, Oakland A’s and Miami Dolphins. Ultimate Turf is known for its root enhancement ability.
The ASU project is just the latest in a growing list.
For more information on Pro Turf you can request a consultation or call us at 702-315-5121.